at the Homestead

All your favorite things about wagon train, but at home instead!

What is this?

This is the curriculum page for our Wagon Train at the Homestead virtual camp experience.

If you’re not sure how you got here, head back to the Homestead page for the details. Specifically, check out the “Spare Horse” tab (about halfway down the page).

How do I use this?

Below are tabs filled with content for six days of Wagon Train at the Homestead! Go through in order for best results (whether it’s by Day, or once a week, or binge-watching in a single day).

Recreation Rodeo is found in Day 2
Wacky Water Day is found in Day 4

If you have any trouble accessing any of the pdfs or videos, please email us at media@hume.org.

Now go get to Homesteadin’!

  • Day 1
  • Day 2
  • Day 3
  • Day 4
  • Day 5
  • Day 6

Day 1

Downloadable videos and files to help make day 1 a success!

Daily Roundup 1

all the details about the day!

Full Session 1 Video

Includes message, skit, and craft

Message 1 Video

Day 1 Message from the word

Cahoots Skit 1 Video

Fun Skit reinforcing the message

“I Like Bananas” Video

Worship song sing-along!

Craft 1 “How-to” Video


Craft 2 “How-to” Video

Bonus craft:

Craft Supply List

List of materials you’ll need to diy each craft

Speaker Guide

Info to help you prepare for each day’s message

Memory Verse Cards

Cards for memory verse memorization

Day 2

Downloadable videos and files to help make day 2 a success!

Daily Roundup 2

all the details about the day!

Full Session 2 Video

Includes message, skit, and craft

Message 2 Video

Day 1 Message from the word

Cahoots Skit 2 Video

Fun Skit reinforcing the message

“Pharoah, Pharoah”

Worship song sing-along!

Craft How-to Video

“Crayon Candles”

Speaker Guide

Info to help you prepare for each day’s message

Memory Verse Cards

Cards for memory verse memorization

Craft Supply List

List of materials you’ll need to diy each craft

Recreation Rodeo Videos

Downloadable videos To show y’all how to rodeo recreationally

Billy’s Buckaroo Bump

Build the Barnyard


Meemaw’s Melt-in-Your-Mouth Munchies

Sally’s Stickity Stackity Stack

Cattle Herd

Mooove Over

Sneaky Snakes

Señor Doodle’s Chicken Feathers

Uncle Jimmothy’s Beard Balm

Day 3

Downloadable videos and files to help make day 3 a success!

Daily Roundup 3

all the details about the day!

Full Session 3 Video

Includes message, skit, and craft

Message 3 Video

Day 1 Message from the word

Cahoots Skit 3 Video

Fun Skit reinforcing the message

Craft How-to Video

“Tie Dye”

“Ridin’ in My Wagon”

Worship song sing-along!

“Without Faith”

Worship song sing-along!

Speaker Guide

Info to help you prepare for each day’s message

Memory Verse Cards

Cards for memory verse memorization

Craft Supply List

List of materials you’ll need to diy each craft

Day 4

Downloadable videos and files to help make day 4 a success!

Daily Roundup 4

all the details about the day!

Full Session 4 Video

Includes message, skit, and craft

Message 4 Video

Day 1 Message from the word

Cahoots Skit 4 Video

Fun Skit reinforcing the message

“Every Move”

Worship song sing-along!

Craft How-to Video


Speaker Guide

Info to help you prepare for each day’s message

Memory Verse Cards

Cards for memory verse memorization

Craft Supply List

List of materials you’ll need to diy each craft

Wacky Water Day Videos

Downloadable videos To show y’all how to Splashy Splash!

Burst Your Bubble

Poncho Launcho

Sarsparilla Splash

Shellfish Showdown

Target Practice

Wakeup Call

Day 5

Downloadable videos and files to help make day 5 a success!

Daily Roundup 5

all the details about the day!

Full Session 5 Video

Includes message, skit, and craft

Message 5 Video

Day 1 Message from the word

Cahoots Skit 5 Video

Fun Skit reinforcing the message

“Holy Spirit”

Worship song sing-along!

Craft How-to Video

“Paracord Bracelet”

Speaker Guide

Info to help you prepare for each day’s message

Memory Verse Cards

Cards for memory verse memorization

Craft Supply List

List of materials you’ll need to diy each craft

Day 6

Downloadable videos and files to help make day 6 a success!

Daily Roundup 6

all the details about the day!

Full Session 6 Video

Includes message, skit, and craft

Message 6 Video

Day 1 Message from the word

Cahoots Skit 6 Video

Fun Skit reinforcing the message

Craft How-to Video

“Painted Mug”

“Worship His Name”

Worship song sing-along!

“Walking around These Walls”

Worship song sing-along! (Bonus Song!)

Speaker Guide

Info to help you prepare for each day’s message

Memory Verse Cards

Cards for memory verse memorization

Craft Supply List

List of materials you’ll need to diy each craft

Care to help us?

If you’ve enjoyed Wagon Train at the Homestead and would like to help support Hume, please consider praying for us and/or donating financially.

But please hear us clearly: we only ask if you have the means and feel led to give. No bait and switch; we created Wagon Train at the Homestead for you to enjoy absolutely FREE. God bless you and keep you.

Philippians 1:9-11


Reach out to us at info@hume.org